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Downstream Chromatography

About LC Process

Chromatography Company

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(LC Process) HPLC
(LC Process) SAC Column
LC Process brings to the World, well crafted, intelligently designed, technically precise and accurate, improved on every aspect based on the user feedback with nice aesthetics, complying ATEX, 21CFR Part 11 guidelines, The Prep HPLC & (DAC) Column for complete range and all type of chromatography application. The good product backed with good support team.
The Team
LC Process

20+ years of rich Engineering experience on chromatography equipment, we understand your needs !

LC Process has probably the most experienced team of professionals, that understand the technology thoroughly, with hands-on experience in packing, unpacking, training, maintenance of the column packers supported by highly professional and disciplined design and production team of dynamic axial column.

LC Process

Professionally designed, improvised based on the rich feedback, from end users, backed up with the 20+ years of hands on experience.

LC Process is also involved in designing, customizing and manufacturing special purpose systems and modules, based on the very specific requirements from user for various applications, ensuring, safety and alarms, ease of operation, accuracy and precision, considering the requirements of regulatory body.

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LC Process

Good machine should be backed with good service. LC Process has efficient team,  reachable 24 x 7, for finest support !

Our strategy is simple and straight forward, to keep LC Process users and clients satisfied and content with performance, operation and results of our chromatography systems. Refinement to achieve excellence through virtue and value. Judge us by our work, than by our words !

LC Process

Ease of operation & safety backed with user friendly software, LC Process HPLC System & DAC Column are crafted for excellence !

LC Process, for its LC Systems, source the Pump, Detectors, Injectors etc. from reputed manufacturers from Japan and Europe to build the complete HPLC, LPLC, MPLC, Flash System with complete software control and 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance.

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LC Process, team of professionals in India and around the globe, involved in various technique of Chromatography. The technology that has endless applications from analytical chromatography, preparative to plant scale chromatography. Further classified into low pressure, medium and high pressure chromatography, HPLC still remain the most popular among these. Open column is the base of chromatography technique, where the column is filled with silica and solvent flow through gravity poured from top of the column, separating the compound, the fractions are collected at the bottom of the column. Open column chromatography was further improved and developed into a set of instrumentation, now known as HPLC, MPLC, LPLC, Flash etc. by combining pumps, detectors and column. Chromatography is considered amongst the most accurate technique of analytical measurement of components in a mixture. Chromatography is still the only technique to separate and isolate purest component from a mixture or compound, by separating and collecting the fraction. All this happen is the heart of the chromatography system, The LC Column. LC Process brings to the World, well crafted, intelligently designed, technically precise and accurate, improved on every aspect based on the user feedback with nice aesthetics, The LC Column for complete range and all type of chromatography application. The good product need good support team. LC Process has probably the most experienced team of professionals, that understand the technology thoroughly, with hands-on experience in packing, unpacking, training, maintenance of the column packers supported by highly professional and disciplined design and production team of dynamic axial column. LC Process, for its LC Systems, source the Pump, Detectors, Injectors etc. from reputed manufacturers from Japan and Europe to build the complete HPLC, LPLC, MPLC, Flash System with complete software control and 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance. LC Process is also involved in designing, customizing and manufacturing special purpose systems and modules, based on the very specific requirements from user for various applications.
DAC Column
DAC Column
DAC Column - LC Process
New York Office

For Purity, Its Chromatography,

For Chromatography, Its LC Process !

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