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Product & Technology

Chromatography separation

Chromatography Company

Process chromatography is a niche technology but very demanding in terms of quality, precision, accuracy and timely after-sales support. LC Process is trying to fill in this gap, not only for the equipment manufactured by LC Process, but also for other DAC Column and HPLC Systems. LC Process offer  technical support, customization, services and parts for all kind of plant scale chromatography HPLC System and DAC Column.
LC Process HPLC

LC Process HPLC System are state of art equipment's, with highest levels of accuracy, precision and  accuracy. Assembled in India with the most reliable brands like from Europe, US and Japan. LC Process HPLC System are available from 1 Lit/min to 100 Lit/min.


LC Process manufacture Low Pressure DAC Column from 100mm ID to 2000 mm ID. The column that are packed at low pressure of 1 Bar to 5 Bar. Low Pressure resins like Ion Exchange are packed in LPLC DAC Column, used in downstream mAb's. Vaccines, Protein purification process. 

LC Process CO2 Liquidator
LC Process DAC Column

DAC Column [ Dynamic Axial Compression Column ] used for the application of chromatography purification, usually in pilot and production scale. LC Process DAC Column are easy to handle, easy to pack and unpack, packed with stationary phase for chromatography purification.  



LC Process-SAC1000 Column-10 Bar.png

LC Process SAC Column [ Static Axial Compression ] Column are used for packing packing the column at atmosphere pressure and the operating pressure can be upto 10 to 20 Bar. SAC Column is widely used for Ion Exchange as well as Flash Chromatography process.

LC Process SAC Column

LC Process designed and customized liquefier, a equipment for liquification of CO2 gas. This equipment is designed for continuous supply of liquid carbon dioxide to the SFC System.

LC Process Flash System

Flash Chromatography System with user friendly and compact design, containing UV-VIS DAD detector, preparative gradient pump, automatic inject valve and fraction collector. Detector allows absorbance measuring on four wavelengths at the same time.

LC Process-Pilot-HPLC

LC Process SAC, EPC, CCC column are easy to pack, unpack and re-pack, friendly to use, reproducible performance& compatible with any make of flash chromatography. 

HPLC System especially designed for Pilot scale large volume sample injection ( large volume loading ). A Scale down model of Plant Scale HPLC System, enabling loading from Pump on to the column. When the method is developed on identical configuration of HPLC Systems, the scale up process is simple and relaible.

Quality is the foundation of our business as we value each supply and every installation. From Top Management to person on bench, all are responsible and committed for quality. We aspire to provide our customers with products and services which meet and even exceed their expectations. We are committed to continuous improvement and have established a Quality Management System which provides a framework for measuring and improving our performance. We have the basic philosophy in place, to achieve our objective of total customer satisfaction and continuous improvisation.

  • Collection, monitoring and review of customer feedback

  • Selection and performance monitoring of any installed chromatography system.

  • Training and development for our team.

  • Regular audit of our internal processes and procedures.

  • Measurable quality objectives which reflect our business objective.

  • Management reviews of audit results, customer feedback and complaints.

Our internal procedures are reviewed regularly and are held in a Quality Manual which is made available to all employees, while maintaining confidentiality.

Visit Application page for more information about column packing, scale up calculation formula, system suitability calculations and other technical information.
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